miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

2014/11/06 - LEAP/E2020 Press Review on the Global Systemic Crisis

Europe dragged into a division of the world between debtors and creditors
Europe is now being taken for a ride. Evidenced, for example, by Belgium’s purchase of $130 billion worth of US Treasuries in three months from October 2013 to January 2014, being at an annual rate greater than its GDP… It’s certainly not Belgium itself which is responsible for this aberration, but Brussels of course, that’s to say the EU as a little US soldier. Politically Europe is stifled by the US which can take heart in the absence of any leadership. And the way to permanently seal this American stranglehold over Europe is called the TTIP…
Excerpt GEAB No 84 / LEAP

EU projects dismal growth, urges investment
The European Commission lowered its growth forecasts for the EU and the eurozone area, blaming the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, and urging governments to do more to spur investments...

Austria hopes EU objections to South Stream resolved in next month
Austria is hoping differences with the European Commission over the South Stream pipeline project can be resolved in the next month or so, allowing the plan to move ahead, Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz said on Friday...

LuxLeaks : L’évasion fiscale, un sport national pour les géants américains
Profitant d’une législation fiscale souple aux Etats-Unis, et poussées par des actionnaires avides de rentabilité, les multinationales américaines franchissent l’Atlantique, pour dissimuler une partie de leurs juteux profits, réalisés hors des Etats-Unis...
Le Monde

Europe’s tax haven investments in Africa
In front of European Commissioners, leading politicians, chief executives of huge multinationals, senior bank bosses and billionaires, the Egyptian investment tycoon was asked to set the tone of the forum, a three-day lobbying event funded by the EU...

German retail bank announces negative interest rates
Last year, the European Central Bank (ECB) began imposing negative interest rates on big banks that lodge funds with it overnight, but this is believed to be the first time in Germany that rates for private customers have gone negative...
Europe Online Magazine

Swiss Gold Referendum: Latest Polls
According to the latest polls, 38% of voters would support the Swiss gold initiative and 47% are against it. The previous poll,recognized as more reliable, showed 45% pro gold and 38% against...

Les entreprises, complices de la récession ?
Au lieu d'investir, les grandes entreprises américaines consacrent une part croissante de leurs bénéfices à racheter leurs propres actions, pour la plus grande satisfaction de leurs actionnaires...
La Tribune

ECB takes control as EU bank supervisor
The European Central Bank (ECB) formally assumes its new role as the chief supervisor of EU banks on Tuesday (4 November), a major milestone in the creation of the bloc's banking union...

Republicans Must Now Show They Can Govern
The new Senate majority leader's challenge now is to prove his party can deliver effectively alongside a Democratic president...
Sky News

Judge approves California city's bankruptcy plan
A judge on Thursday approved a plan by Stockton, California, one of the largest U.S. cities to declare bankruptcy, allowing it to eliminate more than $2 billion in long-term debt payments without touching its massive pension obligations...

Avoiding Western networks
How should the institutions of global economic governance reflect the changed balance of economic power? Given toxic Washington politics, can any U.S. administration recalibrate policies to the new geopolitical realities?...
Japan Times

Elections législatives ukrainiennes : une victoire éclatante pour les pro-européens ?
Les élections législatives ukrainiennes, qui se sont tenues le 26 octobre dernier, n'ont pas défini de majorité et ont été marquées par des tentatives d'intimidation politique...
Les Echos

Republicans Rule House and Senate for First Time in 8 Years
Republicans captured total control of Congress on Tuesday, riding a wave of voter discontent to take the Senate for the first time in eight years and expand its majority in the House, according to NBC News projections...
NBC News

Why the West will never understand Russia
Moscow will look for every way to circumvent the sanctions and encourage divisions within the European Union before the question of economic sanctions returns, writes Siim Kallas...
This special Press Review reviews articles from the French and Engligh-speaking international online media relating to the unfolding global crisis.
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