jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

2014/08 - GLOBAL SYSTEMIC CRISIS Press clippings

Must Watch - Sahra Wagenknecht about the EU Crisis and the civil war in Ukraine  27/08/2014

The deputies of the Left Party, Sahra Wagenknecht, responds to the Policy Statement by Chancellor Angela Merkel, June 4, 2014... 

Decision time at the IMF on Ukraine  27/08/2014

At the forthcoming Ukrainian official donors' meeting scheduled for September, one has to hope that G-7 policymakers stop pretending and face up to the questions that they should have been asking when Ukraine's $17 billion International Monetary Fund (IMF) stand-by program was approved last May.. 
The Hill

The changing face of Europe's mafia  27/08/2014

... But what is arguably more disturbing, not to mention much harder for law enforcement agencies to trace, is the infiltration of mafia groups in the legitimate business world... 

Nato chief unveils new plan for eastern Europe  27/08/2014

The unusual event saw the leaders of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia, which have formed a Customs Union, meet with the president of Ukraine and three EU commissioners, before the Ukrainian and Russian chiefs broke off for two-hour long talks... 

Merkel: Ukraine can go to Eurasian Union  26/08/2014

Germany’s Angela Merkel has said Ukraine is free to “go to” Russia’s “Eurasian Union”, amid signs of a new willingness to make peace with Russian leader Vladimir Putin... 

Arab Nations Strike in Libya, Surprising U.S.  26/08/2014

The United States, the officials said, was caught by surprise: Egypt and the Emirates, both close allies and military partners, acted without informing Washington or seeking its consent, leaving the Obama administration on the sidelines... 
New York Times

China dismisses claims by the United States that a fighter jet flew dangerously close to a Navy plane 25/08/2014

"The US's large-scale and highly frequent close-in reconnaissance against China is the root cause of accidents endangering the sea and air military security between China and the United States."... 

EU migrants urged to back Scots independence bid  25/08/2014

At a rally organized by the Polish for Yes campaign on Saturday, Scotland’s deputy first minister Nicola Sturgeon warned that “with the Westminster parties dancing to UKIP”s anti-European tune, Scotland faces the very real prospect of being ripped out of the EU against our will in the event of a No vote.”... 

Draghi urges new stimulus to stave off stagnation  25/08/2014

The Frankfurt-based bank is preparing to belatedly follow the lead of the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England by launching its own programme of quantitative easing (QE) - creating money to buy financial assets... 

North African ministers in Cairo for Libya crisis talks  25/08/2014

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met early Monday with his Libyan, Algerian and Tunisian counterparts for talks on the situation in Libya... 
El Ahram

Crise ukrainienne : Poutine, OTAN, Europe, qui sont les vrais responsables ?  25/08/2014

L'Union Européenne, en demandant à l'Ukraine de choisir entre l'Europe et la Russie par son accord d'association exclusif, et les Etats-Unis, en souhaitant à tout prix étendre l'OTAN, ont choisi la voix du scénario catastrophe. Toute la question est de savoir s'il s'agit d'une maladresse ou d'une malhonnêteté de la part de l'Occident... 
Le Figaro

Washington’s Nightmare Comes True: The Russian-Chinese Strategic Partnership Goes Global (II) 22/08/2014

It is now time to segue into the geopolitical applications of the RCSP. This section will begin with Northeast Asia and then proceed counterclockwise into exploring the dual approaches towards Central Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. It will then move on to Europe before looking at the Mideast/North Africa (MENA) and Latin America... 
Oriental Review

Poll: Netanyahu’s Approval Rating Down To 55%  22/08/2014

bibi bennettPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s approval rating continued to drop with operation Protective Edge in its 2nd month, according to the poll to just 55%, down from 82% on July 23 and 63% when ground forces left Gaza, a new poll published by Channel 2, on Thursday, showed... 
JP Updates

Germany Backs $6.8 Billion RWE Unit Sale to Russian Group  22/08/2014

Germany’s Economy Ministry cleared the sale of RWE AG (RWE)’s Dea oil and gas unit to the LetterOne group of investors led by Russian tycoon Mikhail Fridman... 

USA: la balance des flux de capitaux en déficit  22/08/2014

La balance américaine des flux de capitaux investis à long terme est repassée dans le rouge en juin, selon les chiffres publiés vendredi par le département du Trésor. Elle a accusé un déficit de 30,2 milliards de dollars après avoir enregistré 7,7 milliards de dollars d'excédent en mai... 
Le Figaro

Washington and the Argentine default  22/08/2014

The Argentines blame the 'Washington Consensus' for the default in 2001, and the New York judiciary and vulture funds for the 'artificial default' in July this year. These are challenges not just for Argentina; they endanger the global debt restructuring system and contradict U.S. domestic laws... 
Gateway House

What the leaked EU-Canada trade paper means for TTIP  20/08/2014

Its passage has become a test run ahead of the anticipated trans-Atlantic trade and investment deal between the EU and the US known as "TTIP". EU trade chief Karel de Gucht has publicly described it as a "template" for TTIP... 

Merkel sets limits to Nato solidarity with Baltic states  20/08/2014

German chancellor Angela Merkel has said Nato will defend Baltic states if need be, but will not build permanent military bases in the region... 

Le débat que les francophones ne peuvent zapper  20/08/2014

« Le risque d’atteinte aux intérêts des francophones ne peut être négligé. Nous serions coupables d’un complot tacite en ne le disant pas aussi clairement. » Ce sont trois constitutionnalistes francophones qui lancent cet avertissement dans nos colonnes... 
Le Soir

How is the Sixth BRICS Summit in Russia Rated?  20/08/2014

The sudden and unexpected worsening of BRICS member Russia’s relations with the West in the spring of 2014 gave the summit a considerable geopolitical burden... 

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

2014/08/22 Revue de Presse Euro-BRICS Press Reviews

The Russian-Chinese Strategic Partnership Goes Global (II)
It is now time to segue into the geopolitical applications of the RCSP. This section will begin with Northeast Asia and then proceed counterclockwise into exploring the dual approaches towards Central Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.

New BRICS Institutions Highlight the Changing Global Financial Order
Leaders of the BRICS nations -- Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa -- have taken a decisive step to increase their clout in global finance and reduce their dependence on financial institutions dominated by Europe and the United States.

A better package for Africa
China's investment in Africa holds both positive and negative lessons for India. India can learn from Beijing's success at courting African leaders, but should focus on investments that better develop local African communities.

Comment Moscou et Pékin vont évincer le dollar de leurs transactions
Moscou et Pékin facilitent leurs relations commerciales mutuelles sur fond de sanctions économiques. La Banque centrale de Russie et la Banque populaire de Chine se sont mises d’accord sur l’organisation des échanges financiers (des swaps) en roubles et en yuans.

Indian exporters urge FTA with China
Ahead of a China- India Trade and Commerce Ministers meet, Indian exporters are urging the Narendra Modi government to begin discussions on a free trade agreement with the world’s second largest economy, China.

Moscow eyes joint development of weapons within BRICS
Indo-Russian defence cooperation in projects such as BrahMos and the production of the SU-30MKI planes is being used a model for joint development with Brazil and South Africa within BRICS.

German SMEs forge strong ties with India
Bochum’s India Europe Al brings together German and Indian companies working in the metal sector. Products can be used for a variety of industries, from automotive to security technology.

L’Afrique bénéficiera de la banque des BRICS, selon Prétoria
La nouvelle banque de développement récemment créée les BRICS (Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine et l’Afrique du Sud), a pour vocation de mobiliser des ressources pour des projets d’infrastructure de développement en Afrique, a rassuré la ministre sud-africaine des Relations internationales et de la Coopération, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane.

French, Swiss central banks swell rush to hold renminbi
Adopted at pace by central banks around the world, China’s renminbi is now seen by many as a de facto reserve currency – and well on the way to becoming an official one.

China looks to boost international use of yuan for trade
Clearing, settlement arrangements extend to banks across Europe and Asia. China is strengthening its policy on yuan internationalization by promoting wider use of the currency around the world. The People's Bank of China signed a memorandum of understanding regarding yuan clearing and settlement arrangements with the Bank of Korea, Luxembourg and France.

Sanctions Against Moscow to Boost Indian Businesses in Russia - Indian Businessman
Sanctions imposed against Russia will benefit India by boosting cooperation between Indian and Russian businesses, Indian Business Alliance President Sammy Kotwani says.

Brace for a new world order
We live in an era when politics keeps crashing into the world of economics. Good economic news contrasts starkly with the grim drumbeat of war in the Middle East and eastern Europe.
This special Press Review proposes a selection of articles from the French and English-speaking international online media relating to Euro-BRICS relations. It is delivered freely by LEAP on a weekly basis to recipients worldwide.

Subscription / Contact: info@leap2020.eu

sábado, 23 de agosto de 2014


Hola compañer@!

Mañana Rajoy y Merkel se reúnen

Y hoy el @PSOE y @sanchezcastejon presentan la propuesta de #PactoSocialEuropeo.

Un decálogo, 10 medidas para para otra orientación política económica de la UE: 

1. El pleno empleo y la estabilidad de precios, un doble objetivo del BCE.
2. Un verdadero mercado europeo de trabajo. 
3. Plan de empleo juvenil europeo para jóvenes menores de 30 años. 
4. Plan de crecimiento de las Pymes europeas. 
5. Reindustrializar Europa. Es necesaria una auténtica política industrial y tecnológica europea. 
6. Por una política energética europea. 
7. Inversión en infraestructuras productivas. 
8. Crear la unión bancaria. 
9. Un verdadero presupuesto europeo. 
10. Depreciación del euro.

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014

La luz sube un 8% en julio. Otra barrera para la igualdad de oportunidades y los derechos sociales.

La luz sube un 8% en julio. La subida prueba el fracaso de la reforma eléctrica de Rajoy, y nos pone en alerta ante el riesgo de más gente sufriendo pobreza energética. Habría subido más si no fuese por la energía eólica. Para quienes queráis leer sobre Pobreza Energética os dejo el link de uno de los pocos estudios que hay en España sobre el tema: http://www.cienciasambientales.org.es/index.php/pobreza-energetica.html
Aquí un resumen de nuestra proposición de ley de lucha contra la pobreza energética, pendiente de ser debatida en el Congreso
PSOE pide una tarifa social asequible para gas, butano y luz y no poder cortar el...

jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

Sánchez reparte el poder entre diez ejecutivos ajenos al aparato anterior. (by Anabel Díez -El País-)

El líder del PSOE equilibra a nuevos dirigentes con socialistas clásicos

La ejecutiva “pequeña” que pretendía hacer el secretario general del PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, se tornó en la noche del 26 de julio, cuando se celebró su congreso, en una lista de 38 personas. Si se excluye a Sánchez y a la presidenta del partido, Micaela Navarro, la negociación con los secretarios territoriales arrojó 25 áreas y 11 vocalías. El reagrupamiento se ha hecho necesario y, al final, las 25 se han quedado en 14 áreas de trabajo. Además de la operatividad, el reglamento elaborado, conocido por EL PAÍS, da muestras de cómo Sánchez ha repartido el poder. A todos los quiere pero no todos tendrán el mismo nivel de relevancia; 10 ocuparán el primer nivel de responsabilidad. No hay duda tampoco de que Sánchez ha querido dar al secretario de Organización y Acción Electoral, César Luena, un inmenso poder.
El reparto de poder en el PSOE
Así ha sido tradicionalmente en el PSOE aunque en los últimos años con la reaparición de la figura del vicesecretario general —José Blanco y Elena Valenciano— extinguida durante muchos años desde que dejó de serloAlfonso Guerra, el área de organización y acción electoral ha recobrado todas sus capacidades. Luena, 33 años, doctor en Historia, diputado por La Rioja, es la mano derecha de Sánchez a quien le une afinidad y amistad personal. No solo es el jefe del aparato y de la vida interna del partido, sino que planifica la estrategia electoral y marca "las directrices que orientan el funcionamiento político de la actividad del Grupo Parlamentario Socialista". También "aprueba los criterios de acción parlamentaria así como la decisión sobre actuaciones o posiciones del Grupo Socialista en el Congreso y en el Senado y en la delegación del Parlamento Europeo". Por tanto, tiene en su mano el aparato, la estrategia política y las decisiones sobre qué dice y qué hace el PSOE, siempre por delegación del secretario general, Pedro Sánchez.
Una decena de cargos, con Luena a la cabeza, componen el primer círculo de responsabilidad: ocho mujeres y dos hombres. Además del secretario de Organización están Carmen Montón (Igualdad), Adriana Lastra (Municipal); Manuel de la Rocha Vázquez (Economía, que apoyó a Eduardo Madina), Mariluz Rodríguez (Empleo), María González Veracruz (Ciencia, Participación y Política en Red) Meritxell Batet (Estudios y Programas, del PSC, apoyó a Eduardo Madina), Estefanía Palop (Formación) y Pilar Lucio (Cambio Climático).
En este primer peldaño estará a partir de septiembre Antonio Hernando, como portavoz en el Congreso y su equipo en el que también estará la diputada por Guadalajara Magdalena Valerio. En una plataforma paralela, según explica quien conoce los criterios para catalogar las funciones ejecutivas, se sitúan Susana Sumelzo (Administraciones Públicas), Ibán García del Blanco (Cultura) e Iratxe García (Unión Europea).
Otro círculo rodea a cuatro miembros de la ejecutiva con “un rol especial”. Micaela Navarro, en la presidencia del partido, María Luisa Carcedo, Bienestar Social, Pedro Zerolo en Movimientos Sociales y José Antonio Pradas, Política Federal. Este último, mano derecha de la presidenta de Andalucía, Susana Díaz, es formalmente el número tres del partido y el reglamento interno le atribuye un poder muy relevante en materia autonómica. Este compartirá con el responsable de Reformas Democráticas, Ximo Puig, líder de los socialistas valencianos, "el seguimiento de las políticas del Gobierno, especialmente en Justicia e Interior". Puig, Patxi López, al frente de Acción Política, Ciudadanía y Libertades, y Carme Chacón, en Relaciones Internacionales, son situados en otro círculo especial de influencia e hilo directo con Sánchez y Luena. Otra media docena de áreas tienen relevancia “por sí mismas”, señalan las fuentes consultadas. A excepción de Puig, el resto de los barones que forman la ejecutiva son vocales, sin área de responsabilidad, por voluntad propia.

miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2014

2014/08/05 LEAP/E2020 Press Review on the Global Systemic Crisis. Libertad, Igualdad, Pluralidad.

GEAB Excerpt (June) - The pension bomb
The poison in the US pension system, unfortunately, comes not only from the private players or is confined to the national level. The public authorities’ poor public finances trickle right down to the depths at local level. In fact, like Detroit, the choice for municipalities is often relatively clear, albeit painful: cut the pensions paid by the city to its former employees, or go bankrupt. For the cities with the least difficulties, there also remains the possibility of reducing costs by sacrificing the local schools, for example. To cite just three examples, public pensions in Illinois, Pennsylvania and Ohio (respectively the fifth, sixth and seventh most populous US states) are ailing to such an extent, particularly in the education sector, that they forced the ASBO to sound the alarm. The system is now only around 50% financed and costs will explode to keep it afloat...

Christie: N.J. pension promises can't be kept
Pension reform is going to involve breaking some promises, including reducing benefits that public employees were counting on for their retirement, Gov. Chris Christie acknowledged during a town hall event in Belmar Wednesday...

Don't drink the water, says 4th-largest Ohio city
Toxins possibly from algae on Lake Erie fouled the water supply of the state's fourth-largest city Saturday, forcing officials to issue warnings not to drink the water and the governor to declare a state of emergency as worried residents descended on stores, quickly clearing shelves of bottled water...

Five reasons Moody's is predicting a UK banking downturn
Moody's, one of the big three credit rating agencies, has said house prices, new ring-fencing laws and the end of an implicit state subsidy have led it to downgrade its outlook for the UK banking sector.

L'Allemagne rejetterait l'accord de libre-échange
L’Allemagne serait sur le point de rejeter l’accord de libre-échange conclu entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (UE) l’an dernier, a révélé samedi un quotidien allemand...

5 money management lessons you can learn from PM Narendra Modi
During the long-drawn election campaign for the recently concluded 16th Lok Sabha polls, India witnessed a proficient orator and an excellent marketer in Narendra Modi who made an impression on every voter in the country and created history by coming to power with a landslide victory...

India decided against signing WTO's Trade Facilitation Agreement
India on 24 July 2014 decided against signing Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The decision was taken at the meeting of the General Council of the 160-member WTO Geneva, Switzerland...

Iran seeking successor to Iraq PM Maliki
Iran is trying to work with Iraqi factions for a replacement for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to form a new government in Baghdad but there are few suitable candidates, a senior Iranian official said on Tuesday...

Multi-billion losses expected from Russia sanctions
EU diplomats on Monday (28 July) are to pour over the legal texts drafted by the EU commission for imposing sectoral economic sanctions on Russia for its role in the Ukrainian conflict. The sanctions are expected to be approved on Tuesday...

La démocratie européenne figée par l’institutionnalisation de ses partis
Nous avons un peu perdu le fil de ce qu’est un parti politique, à savoir une machine servant ponctuellement à une personne ou équipe politique donnée, mue par un projet politique précis, à accéder au pouvoir...

Talks begin on devolution for whole of UK
HIGH-level discussions about setting up a constitutional convention after the next election to create a devolution settlement for the whole of the United Kingdom have begun, a Cabinet minister confirmed yesterday...

The Typical Household, Now Worth a Third Less
Economic inequality in the United States has been receiving a lot of attention. But it’s not merely an issue of the rich getting richer. The typical American household has been getting poorer, too...

Portugal prepares to rescue its biggest private bank
Only months ago, Portugal left the euro bailout fund, after it was one of the countries hardest hit by the eurozone crisis. Now it must use troika money to save a major bank - raising fears the crisis may not be over...

BRICS 2009-2014: Five years of lost opportunities for Europe …
When the BRIC launched their own club in 2009[1], their goal was pretty simple: to provide a group strong enough to initiate and drive the reform of the global governance institutions...

Londres: l'immobilier servirait de "refuge pour l'argent sale"
L'immobilier londonien pourrait être devenu "un refuge pour l'argent sale du monde entier", estime vendredi le Financial Times après avoir identifié plus de 150 milliards d'euros passés par des paradis fiscaux avant d'être investis dans ce secteur en Grande-Bretagne...

NKI BRICS-LEAP meeting in Paris (27/07/2014)
On July 27th, in Paris, as part of the Euro-BRICS project, representatives of NKI BRICS and LEAP met in order to discuss interesting perspectives of cooperation: “The BRICS National Research Committee is developing forms of cooperation with countries outside the regions, especially with the European Union countries, concerning the problems of global governance and the creation of a new world order…”

FEFAP – A video to make political anticipation training offer known
Our main objective is to develop skills in Political Anticipation worldwide through online courses. Our courses are mainly aimed at people who every day need to make decisions at a professional or family level. They are created to develop the capacity of human beings to predict what is going to happen in the future so they can make decisions in the present.
This special Press Review reviews articles from the French and Engligh-speaking international online media relating to the unfolding global crisis.
It is delivered freely on a weekly basis to 60,000 recipients worldwide.
Subscription / Contact: centre@europe2020.org