viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

2014/04/25 - Revue de Presse Euro-BRICS Press Reviews. Libertad, Igualdad, Pluralidad.

Créer un fond monétaire EuroBRICS
Les pays du BRICS ont annoncé récemment qu'ils entendaient mettre en place dans les prochains mois l'équivalent du FMI et de la Banque mondiale dans le cadre de l'association qu'ils ont décidé de créer entre eux il y a environ un an.

Ukraine crisis shows global governance is in a mess, and the West knows why
The crisis surrounding Ukraine shows that global governance is in a mess, but events there are merely a symptom of something larger. My visit to Washington for the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank set me wondering whether western democracies are much guiltier than we are prepared to admit.

Building 'A Bridge Between China and Europe'
While the U.S. revitalizes East Asian alliances, China looks for new partners in Europe. Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Europe. The program was even given a grandiose title: “A Bridge Between China and Europe.” China’s media continues to play up the success of Xi’s first visit to Europe.
The Diplomat

‘Ties with neighbours is priority’
Historically, foreign policy has rarely played a decisive role in the Indian elections although issues like the nuclear deal with the U.S. have led to domestic storms. In this interview Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, explains why foreign policy has only occasionally been a key factor in the elections.
Gateway House

Entre gouvernance et surveillance, le coeur du Netmundial balance
Les Etats regroupés à Sao Paulo devaient se mettre d'accord sur des principes liés à la gouvernance, mais n'avaient visiblement pas prévus l'irruption - pourtant attendue - de la question de la surveillance.

Europe dragged into a division of the world between debtors and creditors
In the present confrontation between Russia and the West over the Ukrainian crisis, the image of the Cold War inevitably comes to mind and the media are obviously fond of it...
GEAB 84 – LEAP2020

Seeing South Africa through the eyes of foreign investors
My brother has just returned to South Africa after living in Geneva for 14 years. He is going to reside in Johannesburg and work for Discovery Health and he is deliriously happy. “Why are you coming back? Especially now?”

Brazilian president champions Internet privacy
Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff Wednesday championed Internet privacy and slammed blanket online surveillance at a global gathering on the issue in Sao Paulo. Speaking at the opening of the conference she convened following revelations last year that U.S. security agencies used the Internet to spy, Rousseff said such misuse of the web was "unacceptable."

Russia, India Planning $30 Billion Oil Pipeline Through Xinjiang
Russia is changing its energy export policy vector as strong demand for hydrocarbons in both in China and in India continues to grow. The recent unease in both the U.S. and Europe over Russian President Vladimir Putin’s March 17 annexation of Crimea has only added to Moscow’s efforts to diversify its markets beyond Europe.
Oil Price

The BRICS countries: an emerging actor in development cooperation?
he BRICS countries are becoming a very important player in a rather unlikely arena: development cooperation. Here’s why they are better off working together as a bloc, rather than as individual countries. In the last decade, the BRICS countries have increased their presence in a rather different field, in development cooperation.

The Russian world is coming to Europe
President Putin’s Direct Line on April 17 offered a wonderful opportunity for reflecting on the present and the future of European civilization. The head of state sought to express his most fundamental ideas about the current geopolitical environment in Europe, and it was clear that his outlook on this issue is holistic and dynamic, yet inherently precise.
Oriental Review

Reform of the Bretton Woods Institutions: The IMF Might Not Live to See Its Anniversary
2014 marks 70 years since the Bretton-Woods Conference, at which the main parameters of the post-war world currency and financial system were defined and the decision to create the International Monetary Fund was made.
Global Research
This special Press Review proposes a selection of articles from the French and English-speaking international online media relating to Euro-BRICS relations. It is delivered freely by LEAP on a weekly basis to recipients worldwide.

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jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

Candidatura del Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) a las Elecciones del Parlamento Europeo, del domingo 25 de mayo de 2014.

De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 220.5, en relación con el 47.1 de la Ley Orgánica del Régimen Electoral General, esta Presidencia ordena la publicación en el «Boletín Oficial del Estado» de las candidaturas que a continuación se relacionan, presentadas a las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo convocadas por Real Decreto 213/2014, de 31 de marzo, a celebrar el 25 de mayo de 2014.
 1. Doña Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco.
 2. Don Ramón Jáuregui Atondo.
 3. Doña Soledad Cabezón Ruiz.
 4. Don Juan Fernando López Aguilar.
 5. Doña Iratxe García Pérez.
 6. Don Javier López Fernández.
 7. Doña Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández.
 8. Don Enrique Guerrero Salom.
 9. Doña Eider Gardiazábal Rubial.
10. Don José Blanco López.
11. Doña Clara Eugenia Aguilera García.
12. Don Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto.
13. Doña Inés Ayala Sender.
14. Don Jonás Fernández Álvarez.
15. Doña Esther Niubó Cidoncha.
16. Don Borja Cabezón Royo.
17. Doña María del Carmen Ortiz Rivas.
18. Don Ricardo Cortés Lastra.
19. Doña María Begoña García Bernal.
20. Don Pere Joan Pons Sampietro.
21. Doña María Paloma Muñiz de Urquiza.
22. Don Juan Ramón Ferreira Alonso.
23. Doña Isabel Casalduero Jódar.
24. Don Alejandro Colldefors Bergnes de las Casas.
25. Doña Rosa María Balas Torres.
26. Don José Manuel Domínguez López.
27. Doña Concepción Andreu Rodríguez.
28. Don Alfonso Carlos Mateo Miranda.
29. Doña Izaskun Bernal Cerdeira.
30. Don Mohammed Azahaf Moumen.
31. Doña María Paz Ojeda Giménez.
32. Don Samuel Falomir Sancho.
33. Doña Ángela Sabater García.
34. Don Sergio Chueca Urzay.
35. Doña Maider Laínez Lazcoz.
36. Don Antonio Luengo Rodríguez.
37. Doña Diana Salvadó Artells.
38. Don Juan Francisco Rodríguez Sánchez.
39. Doña María del Cristo Dorta López.
40. Don Eduard Rivas Mateo.
41. Doña Estefanía Torres Sánchez.
42. Don Nicolás González Casares.
43. Doña Naxalli Lozano Hernández.
44. Don Eduardo Abascal Falces.
45. Doña Carmen Espín Quirante.
46. Don Emilio Ivars Ferrer.
47. Doña Ángela María López Vargas.
48. Don Santiago Ekain Rico Lezama.
49. Doña María Bella Martín Eugenio.
50. Don José Ángel Santoro Estévez.
51. Doña Saray Soria García.
52. Don Miquel Company Pons.
53. Doña Rosa Peñalver Pérez.
54. Don Miguel Ángel Martínez Martínez.
 1. Doña Estela Goicoechea Alonso.
 2. Don Miguel Chover Lara.
 3. Doña Rosa María Orriols Ramos.
 4. Don José Ramón Funes Toyos.
 5. Doña Miriam Ruiz Sanz.
 6. Don Óscar Pérez Suárez.
La candidatura adoptará la denominación que se expresa en la Comunidad Autónoma que se indica: 
A efectos del artículo 222 de la Ley Orgánica de 5/1985, para la Comunidad Autónoma de Cataluña adoptará la siguiente denominación: PARTIT DELS SOCIALISTES DE CATALUNYA (PSC-PSOE), expresándose únicamente los nombres de los siguientes candidatos:
Doña Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco.
Don Javier López Fernández.
Doña Esther Niubó Cidoncha.
Don Alejandro Colldefors Bergnes de las Casas.
Doña Diana Salvadó Artells.
Don Eduard Rivas Mateo.
Doña Rosa María Orriols Ramos.

lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

2014/04/18 LEAP/E2020 Press Review on the Global Systemic Crisis. Libertad, Igualdad, Pluralidad. Notícies-News-Noticias

Europe dragged into a division of the world between debtors and creditors: the United States' desperate solutions for not sinking alone
In the present confrontation between Russia and the West over the Ukrainian crisis, the image of the Cold War inevitably comes to mind and the media are obviously fond of it. However, contrary to what it gives us to understand, it’s not Russia that seeks the return of an iron curtain but really the US. An iron curtain separating the old powers and emerging nations; the world before and the world afterwards; debtors and creditors. And this in the crazy hope of preserving the American way of life and the US’ influence over “its” camp in the absence of being able to impose it on the whole world. In other words, go down with as many companions as possible to give the impression of not sinking...

Nato's action plan in Ukraine is right out of Dr Strangelove
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US has ringed Russia with military bases, nuclear warplanes and missiles as part of its Nato enlargement project. Reneging on the Reagan administration's promise to the Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990 that Nato would not expand "one inch to the east", Nato has all but taken over eastern Europe...

US financial showdown with Russia is more dangerous than it looks, for both sides
The United States has constructed a financial neutron bomb. For the past 12 years an elite cell at the US Treasury has been sharpening the tools of economic warfare, designing ways to bring almost any country to its knees without firing a shot...

Transcript: Vladi­mir Putin’s April 17 Q&A
On April 17, Russian President Vlaidmir Putin held a question-and-answer session with Russians in a studio audience, from those calling in or texting, and from a video link in the Crimean city of Sevasotpol. Here is a running transcript of his remarks, via the Kremlin’s Web site...

Climat : les raisons de croire à un accord mondial en 2015
A vingt mois de la Conférence de Paris sur le climat, la publication du rapport du Giec constitue une opportune piqûre de rappel sur la nécessité d'agir. Et fournit aux Etats une feuille de route bien utile pour préparer ce rendez-vous crucial...

China, India opt out of OECD-backed meet
India and China boycotted a high-level meeting of an OECD-backed aid effectiveness movement citing concerns over the body’s approach to South-South cooperation and the binding nature of the meeting’s outcome document...

High-Frequency Fight Starts in Foreign Exchange
Foreign-exchange dealers say they have the solution to the high-frequency trades eroding banks’ profits across financial markets...

China's home price growth decelerates
Home prices in major Chinese cities grew at a slower pace in March, with fewer cities reporting month-on-month price gains, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) announced on Friday...

Japan, U.S., S. Korea Begin High-Level Defense Talks
Japan, the United States and South Korea began a two-day meeting of senior defense officials in Washington on Thursday to discuss potential responses North Korea, which has threatened to conduct a new form of nuclear test...
Japan Times

Trois destins possibles pour l'Europe : le sursaut, ou la communauté de l'euro (2/3)
Poussée des eurosceptiques confirmée ? Gauche sanctionnée, comme aux municipales ? Président (e) de la Commission européenne vraiment issu (e) du choix des électeurs ? L'élection des députés européens, dimanche 25 mai, apportera son lot de surprises. Notre sort ne sera pas tranché pour autant. Du sursaut au lent déclin en passant par la résurgence de la crise, La Tribune vous propose trois scénarios sur l'avenir de l'Europe en 2017...

Pentagon official criticizes Pratt & Whitney
A senior Pentagon official lashed out at Pratt & Whitney, saying that the United Technologies Corp. unit is failing to meet commitments to cut costs for the engines for the delayed and over-budget F-35 Joint Strike Fighter...

Burundi creates reconciliation body that divides public opinion
Burundi, locked in its worst political crisis since its civil war ended in 2005, has created a reconciliation commission that opposition parties say will shield the ruling party from accountability for past crimes...

India to double offshore rupee bond programme
India is set to take a major step toward currency internationalisation with World Bank plans to double its offshore rupee bond programme to $2bn and push leading Indian companies to raise global rupee-linked debt for the first time...

The food poverty scandal that shames Britain: Nearly 1m people rely on handouts to eat – and benefit reforms may be to blame
The shocking scale of food poverty in Britain is exposed today by new figures showing record numbers of people are reliant on handouts because of punitive benefits sanctions...

Ukraine, et maintenant passons à un monde sans Europe...
Le sommet de jeudi à Genève, réunira l'Ukraine, la Russie, les États-Unis et Catherine Ashton, autant dire que l'Europe, que les Européens sont à nouveau écartés des pourparlers, des tables de négociations, car Catherine Ashton n'est pas l'Europe, elle ne représente pas les Européens...

BRICS aim to finish development bank preparations by July summit
The BRICS bloc of emerging economies will have all preparatory work done for setting up its development bank by the group's summit in July, South African Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said on Thursday...
This special Press Review reviews articles from the French and Engligh-speaking international online media relating to the unfolding global crisis.
It is delivered freely on a weekly basis to 60,000 recipients worldwide.

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2014/04/18 Revue de Presse - Euro-BRICS - Press Reviews. Libertad, Igualdad, Pluralidad.

Russia, West reach surprise deal on Ukraine crisis
Russia, Ukraine, the US and EU reached a surprise deal Thursday on de-escalating the worsening Ukrainian crisis, in a ray of hope for the former Soviet republic that has plunged into chaos.
Times of India

China-Brazil relationship satisfying: President Xi
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday met with Brazil's President of the Chamber of Deputies Henrique Eduardo Alves, saying he was satisfied with the momentum of the China-Brazil relationship. The deepening and expanding cooperation in recent years has benefited the people of the two countries substantially, Xi said.

Le FMI, les BRICS et l’“idéal de puissance”
Comme disent “les économistes” et selon une idée courante, écrit Tyler Durden en citant un texte de RTBH, le statut des USA est en plein processus de dissolution et, par conséquent, la légitimité du FMI est en jeu : «Economists warn the IMF's legitimacy is at stake, and they say U.S. standing abroad is being eroded.»
De Defensa

China to boost space defense in ‘new-type combat force’
China is planning to beef up its combat capability by increasing resources in a "new-type combat force," which includes integrating air and space capability in reaction to the international development of space weapons, local media reported.

Russia-China ties to alter global equations: Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Moscow’s ties with Beijing are expected to be a considerable factor in global politics. Russia-China ties “will significantly affect the contemporary architecture of international relations,” said the president.
The BRICS Post

Economie politique
Cette idée ne doit pas être confondue avec celle recommandant une rupture avec les Etats-Unis. Il s'agirait seulement de prendre beaucoup plus d'indépendance à leur égard. La politique qu'ils conduisent actuellement dans la crise ukrainienne, en entrainant l'Otan avec eux, ne peut que conduire à des difficultés insurmontables pour l'Europe.
Automates Intelligents

Putin Hopes Italian EU Presidency Will Boost Russia-Europe Ties
Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed hope Thursday that Italy’s upcoming position as the rotating head of the European Union will help spur cooperation between Russia and Europe. Italy, which has recently seen a new leadership come to power, will hold the EU presidency from July until December.
RIA Novosti

Europe-Africa Partnership To Study Global Warming From Space
After years of planning and discussion, space-based projects between the European Union and African Union may soon be getting off the ground. Data from satellites and sensors in the Earth’s oceans and atmosphere will help policymakers deal with everything from global warming to food security, and it should be good for business, too.
Intl Business Times

La guerre contre le dollar va s'intensifier
Nous avons déjà signalé que, face à l'intensification de la guerre anti-russe menée en Ukraine, sous couvert de l'Otan, par Washington, Moscou préparait une riposte qui, bien que non militaire, serait aussi dévastatrice de l'économie américaine qu'une bombe atomique sur Wall Street.
Europe Solidare

BRICS energy markets: Part 2
Oil supply and demand. Russia has faced ups and downs in its oil and natural gas production, but it stands out among the BRICS as the only net exporter. Oil prices spiked in 2008, and the US and much of the world fell into recession.
Energy Global

Hosting G20 would be opportunity for China and the world
The joint statement by Chinese President Xi Jinping and his French counterpart François Hollande on March 26 outlined both countries’ future comprehensive strategic partnership as a period of close and long-term development. In the statement, France showed its expectation that China should host its first G20 summit as soon as possible.
Global Times

China, India threat to US leadership position: Obama
US President Barack Obama has warned that the US could lose leadership position to China, India and Germany as these countries make huge strides in education.
The BRICS Post

Lavrov: Putin’s Visit to China Year’s Major Event in Bilateral Relations
Upcoming visit of the Russian President to China will become this year’s major political event in Russian-Chinese relations and its outcome will be an important step toward a closer bilateral partnership, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

China, India vow to step up global coordination
Top officials from China and India vowed on Monday to advance the strategic partnership to step up coordination in regional and international affairs. Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin and Indian Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh held strategic talks as part of an annual dialogue in Beijing.
The BRICS Post
This special Press Review proposes a selection of articles from the French and English-speaking international online media relating to Euro-BRICS relations. It is delivered freely by LEAP on a weekly basis to recipients worldwide.

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