martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

2014/05/13 LEAP/E2020 Press Review on the Global Systemic Crisis. Libertad, Igualdad, Pluralidad. - News-Notícies-Noticias

Excerpt GEAB - EU borders - The end of the myth of eternal enlargement: Turkey-Ukraine, two countries which will not join the EU
The increasing difficulties of the process of Turkey entering the European Union contrasts with the progressive entry “piece by piece” of the former Yugoslavia (26) (Slovenia is already a member and Croatia is starting its integration process while proposals to integrate the other Balkan countries multiply)...

Germany’s foreign minister in Kiev in bid to get government, separatists to table
Germany’s foreign minister flew to Kiev on Tuesday to jump-start talks between the Ukrainian government and separatists, who announced the birth of two new pro-Russian republics after claiming landslide victories in disputed self-rule referendums...

Ukraine: Schröder critique l'Union européenne
L'ancien chancelier allemand Gerhard Schröder estime que l'Union Européenne est la principale responsable de la crise ukrainienne, en ayant obligé Kiev à choisir entre un avenir avec l'UE ou avec la Russie, dans le journal Welt am Sonntag, dimanche.

Weak retail sales cast shadow on U.S. growth outlook
U.S. retail sales barely rose in April, tempering hopes of a sharp acceleration in economic growth in the second quarter...

Bundesbank ready to back ‘significant’ ECB easing
Germany’s central bank is willing to back an array of stimulus measures from the European Central Bank next month, including a negative rate on bank deposits and purchases of packaged bank loans, if needed to keep inflation from staying too low, a person familiar with the matter said...

Implications of the US-Philippines defence agreement
US President Barack Obama's visit to the Philippines, the last leg of his recent four-nation Asian tour, produced a new bilateral defence agreement that was touted by some observers as the single most significant outcome of his regional foray...

U.N. Treaty on Corporate Rights Abuse Sees New Momentum
Some 500 global groups are calling for action by governments next month to jumpstart the process of drafting an international treaty to address rights abuses by multinational corporations, following on a related proposal by Ecuador and others...

Russia turns to WTO in response to Western sanctions
U.S. sanctions against several Russian companies have prompted Moscow to take action by resorting to the World Trade Organization as an international arbiter in the dispute.

En Ukraine, feu Blackwater fait reparler de ses « mercenaires »
Le journal allemand Bild am Sonntag affirme ce dimanche que parmi les gros bras ukrainiens qui combattent les miliciens pro-russes se cachent 400 mercenaires d’Academi, le nouveau nom de Blackwater. Ils mèneraient des opérations de guérilla contre des rebelles pro-russes, autour de la ville de Slaviansk (Est)...

Maternal deaths in childbirth rise in the U.S.
Maternal deaths related to childbirth in the United States are nearly at the highest rate in a quarter century, and a woman giving birth in America is now more likely to die than a woman giving birth in China, according to a new study...

China far from being "aggressive" in South China Sea
The trouble started when Vietnam attempted to stop a Chinese company from drilling in waters 17 nautical miles (some 31 kilometers) from China's Zhongjian Island and 150 nautical miles from the Vietnamese coast...

Can Thailand keep from falling apart?
What the upheaval in Bangkok last week really means for Southeast Asia's second-largest economy -- and the global companies operating there...

China to build railway linking East Africa
China has signed a deal to build a $3.8bn railway link between Kenya's Indian Ocean port of Mombasa and Nairobi, the first stage of a line that will eventually link neighbouring Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan...

EU Wants Single Price in Bid to Break Russian Gas Stronghold
?U Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said the union wants a uniform price for Russian gas for all its member states, adding Europe's common gas infrastructure should include Ukraine, Georgia and the western Balkans...
The Moscow Times

GB : Les craintes d'une bulle immobilière se multiplient
La Banque d'Angleterre, trois anciens ministres britanniques des Finances et l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économique (OCDE) figurent parmi ceux qui s'inquiètent du gonflement d'une bulle immobilière au Royaume-Uni, qui pourrait fragiliser la reprise économique du pays...
Trend/Le Vif

Power struggle looms after EU vote
In just over three week's time the European elections will be over but a new process will have just begun – an immense power struggle between the EU institutions...
This special Press Review reviews articles from the French and Engligh-speaking international online media relating to the unfolding global crisis.
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